How To Help Your Pet Call
Let's talk about your pet!
Do you want to better understand your pet?
Are you trying to figure out how to help them?
Or are you curious about Animal Communication or seeking information on Animal Hospice?
20 min
​Let's talk about your pet or horse and ways you can help them with behavior, health, end of life care or other issues.
Just as it is often helpful to consult a vet or trainer when you have a concern about your pet, bringing in additional perpectives by looking at your pet from an energetic perspective, and from your pet's perspective can add valuable pieces of the puzzle when you are trying to figure out how to help your pet.
During this call, I can answer any questions about animal communication, Healing Touch for Animals and animal hospice. If you have a concern about your pet, I will ask you questions to uncover what your pet may need and possible solutions.
Let's explore how you can better understand and help your pet because you both deserve to be happy.
Please note that I will not be communicating with your pet during this consult. I am able to do a mini energy assessment during the call when discussing behavior or health. If it feels like a good fit to work together we can schedule a session to work with your pet.